
A prayer for today

Lord Jesus, we come just as we are; this is how we came at first, and this is how we come still… – Charles Spurgeon

All our longings,

all our desires,

we lay them here: before You,

before Your throne.

You hear us,

as we cry out to You.

We cry out for mercy,

for grace,

for help,

in time of need.

You know our needs, cares,

and anxieties:

our fears, and our doubts,

our sorrows and our griefs.

You know our failings,

our weaknesses, and our mistakes.

You call us now to come, to lay our burdens down.

To stop, to turn away from what grieves Your heart.

You call us to listen, to follow the gentle urging of your Spirit.

Our prayers are incense, rising fragrant before You,

and You put all of our tears in a bottle.

Never for a moment are we unseen or abandoned.

And so, we cry out,

Here we are Lord, do what only you can do.

Work, Lord, oh move in us and through us;

bring wholeness, and healing.

Bring restoration, and renewal.

Give us strength and courage

for today; and wisdom

for tomorrow.

Here we are Lord,

Here we are.

Use us, Lord.

Use me.

Let your Kingdom come,

let your will be done.




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