I am a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and former library technician. I love my family passionately, nothing makes me happier than being with them and watching them grow. We struggle, overcome, persevere and struggle some more. Resilience, yes! Life may be difficult, but we always look for ways to carry on. I love Jesus, and my faith is the lodestar to which I hook my wagon, everything centres around that. I am always looking for ways to improve myself and the journey to becoming is lifelong. I read voraciously, everything from history, mystery, literature, family sagas, children’s books, self-improvement, faith, classics, on and on and on!!! I have built my life around one word, and that word is HOPE. As a person who struggles with chronic illnesses, and one who faces many and diverse challenges in my life, this word, hope, is constancy, strength and focus for me.