I've Been Thinking / Spirituality

Guard your heart…

Guard your heart above all else,

for it determines the course of your life.

Proverbs 4:23

Words almost fail me when I read this… How much pain and heartache could I have avoided in the past had I heeded this message. And, oh how my heart longs for those I care about to listen to this. Listen now!

In these words are depths of wisdom, power and prudence! In these words are light for our paths, and avoidance of certain peril.

But, oh the grace and redemptive love of our merciful Heavenly Father! How tenderly He draws us to repentance, how graciously He forgives. How lovingly He lifts us up out of the pit and sets our feet on solid ground.

And yet, if grace abounds, should sin abound more??? God forbid. May it never be.

Our Pastor reminded us today to let go of our past pain, our failures. And not only our hurts, also our dreams, our wishes for the future. Give Him our life and health, our family, our children, our jobs and homes.

Let go, unclench our fists.

To open our hands, to trust Him with all that is in our hearts.

So, Jesus, here we are. Keep us close to you!

Keep us.

Help me, help us, to guard our hearts.

Help us, sweet Jesus, to trust you more, and to entrust to You all that we are and have, in your powerful name.




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