“She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway.”
Barbara Alpert
My heart sometimes sad, now leaps for joy, my sister is here. In her I find a companion, a confidant. She shares in my happiness and grieves for my sorrows. There is laughter and talk till the wee hours.
One night we were so absorbed in conversation that we didn’t hear my Dad come downstairs. He had smelled smoke and come downstairs to investigate. Only then did we remember we put the kettle on for a cup of tea and the kettle had burned dry!

Distance between us
For much of our lives we lived far apart. My parents were missionaries in Nigeria, West Africa. So it was first because of schooling, Sue left Africa for high school in Canada.

Second, my sister was a missionary herself for some time when first married, and then she and her husband lived far away, often in a different province.
Building connection
So, we forged connection through long phone calls, letters, and visits back and forth.

My sister tells me I was an answer to her 9-year-old prayers for a baby sister. She, Susan, made this plea the night my Mom went to the hospital to give birth to me in Jos, Nigeria. God, in His foreknowledge gave Sue her heart’s desire. Perhaps it created this deep bond between us

Susan holding me,
Brian and John.
In Africa.
Listening well
Sue became a second Mom to me. She had what my Mom, as wonderful as she was, did not – the ability to listen with empathy. Mom leaned towards teaching a lesson or lecturing, rather than engaging in our anguish.
Mom, did in later years learn to do this – she learned to listen.
This empathy drew us closer together. As I grew and matured, the empathy, understanding, and ability to listen became mutual. This care for one another, it is a treasure of great value.
She is here!
So, it’s a delight that Sue is here, in the same province, city, and in my home. We build and create more memories. Listen, talk, share, laugh and cry. Nothing quite equals it, this bond between sisters.

It’s a gift to have Sue here.
And, we don’t take it for granted.