I've Been Thinking

Yorkshire pudding

Travelling back in time we remember the days of yesteryear.
Sunday dinner at our family home; after morning church, hymns sung, prayers prayed, sermon listened to.

Then home, to my Mom’s delectable Roast beef dinner, with roasted potatoes, carrots and onions and gravy, lots of brown luscious gravy.  Most delicious of all, Yorkshire Pudding – puffed high and golden, crispy on the outside, soft and tasty as you bite into it.  For dessert it was often apple pie or apple crisp.  Like her Mother before my Mom was a great cook.

I love to make the comfort food of my childhood. Roast beef dinner, with some variations:  fluffy mashed potatoes, rich and buttery; broccoli and corn, and the pièce de résistance, Yorkshire Pudding.  Already the Yorkshire Pudding has become legendary in our home, almost a necessity when making roast beef for dinner.  Our daughter asks, “Mom, are you making Yorkshire”?  When the answer comes back “yes”, she smiles with delight.

I think we could forgo the rest of the dinner and just eat Yorkshire Pudding with gravy and cheer with happiness.  I have gotten up at midnight, snuck downstairs and raided the refrigerator when there are leftovers of Yorkshire.  Somehow the Yorkshire knows my name and calls me, beckoning me from sleep.

Oh, and Apple Pie too.  It is a warm rich, cinnamon delight. 

Favourite foods and flavours brings memories sweet and mouth-melting.

Some days are best served with comfort foods of our childhood.  Let anguish and worries of life recede to the Netherlands.

Savour only the good, inhale the aromas of happiness, let the flavours roll on the tongue.

Speak words of kindness to each other, drink the sweetness of good company.

Tomorrow has enough troubles of its own.

Today I will cherish the food and the memories. Treasure the time I can spend with the people that are here, now.

 I will make memories.

 It will be a Yorkshire Pudding day.



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