Grace for today
Oh, the marvelous grace of God for you and for me. This Jesus, our suffering Saviour, Man of Sorrows and acquainted with our griefs. He, broken, spilled out for us.
Not abandoned
He with tenderness – holding us, enveloping us. God with us. And more than that – He indwells us. Will not leave us. Never left alone to flounder.
He does not abandon us in our heartfelt agony, or in our broken dreams. Never forgotten when our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling. Not forsaken as we suffer through chronic illness, or in broken and difficult relationships. Not deserted amid the uncertainties of life, or financial crisis. Always He is there to offer grace and mercy.
Heb. 4:16
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
He collects our tears
When we weep, He collects our tears. Stores them as treasures in a bottle. Ocean depths of tears we have wept. And, every tear a sparkling jewel. Not even one unnoticed.

In despair, we want to flail and scream. To protest. Yet, He ever gentle, He draws us close. And He will never let us go.
I need You
So, we slow down – listen, hear him speak. His words of love crooning over us as a mama over her little one. He breathing life into our parched souls. We, desperate for living water. Longing for Him to quench our thirst.
Oh, how we need Him.
And there He is. Never will He forsake – never will He leave. This is His promise and He cannot lie. So, we breathe deep. His words – life to our souls. He, our Rock and Refuge.
We run now, into the throne room. And find grace and mercy in time of need.
Grace and mercy.
Let it be so, Lord.
Let it be so.