Musings from a Book Lover – The Penderwicks in the Spring
I have been a long time lover of Children’s Books. There is something about the wonder, the humour, and the pathos in following their journeys. Watching as they navigate life and it’s troubles, trials and tribulations; it’s lyrical laughter, exuberance, and playfulness. In general, I tend to shy away from the darker tales of childhood, although I have read plenty of those as well. When I read Children’s Books, I am looking for a certain quality of lightness, though not characters without depth or poignancy. And to coin an old-fashioned word, I enjoy a sense of wholesomeness too. I like beneficence and kindliness, books that nourish the soul.
I came across the Penderwicks, in a recommendation from “The Modern Mrs. Darcy,” a blog by Anne Bogel. Anne curates books for book lovers, and I have found many excellent reads based on her recommendations. You can find Anne here: https://modernmrsdarcy.com/.
You can find this one here:
or at a bookseller of your choice.
This the 4th in the series of the Penderwick family. It is my favourite in the series, although I highly recommend that you start with the first book, “The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, A Rabbit, and a Very Interesting Boy,” and then carry on with all the rest of the books. I assure you, you will not regret it. The books are charming, warm and witty, and I found them compelling and poignant as well.
In the “The Penderwicks in the Spring,” Batty, one of the younger Penderwicks, whose Mother died of cancer shortly after she is born, overhears a conversation between one of her siblings and a friend which alters the trajectory of her young life for a time. The manner in which Birdsall handles this (a significant crisis of identity) is profoundly moving. I laughed, and I cried.
It is such an excellent story! I love this series. Go, go get it now. 🙂